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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Orange Cultivation in Bangladesh


Orange cultivation in Bangladesh is gaining popularity due to its increasing demand and economic potential. Traditionally, Bangladesh has relied on imported oranges to meet its domestic consumption, but recent advancements in agricultural techniques and government initiatives have encouraged local farmers to grow oranges. The favorable climatic conditions and fertile soil of certain regions make orange cultivation a promising venture for farmers in the country.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Profitable Papaya Cultivation

Papayea of Bangladesh
 A profitable papaya cultivating business monetarily proliferates through seeds. As they have various medical advantages that have been demonstrated and tried by different logical inquires about and discoveries, it's a well known natural product in numerous nations. For the ranchers of these nations that develop them, the papaya business has been an enduring wellspring of pay. At the point when individuals begin purchasing green items and sustenance's, it even builds income. Be that as it may, due to the absence of appropriate introduction of what developing papaya involves, individuals disregard the chance of making a business out of papaya cultivating.

Why Start a Profitable Papaya Farming Business in Bangladesh
Before beginning a papaya cultivating business, you should think about its 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jujubi (বরই) of Bangladesh

 Boroi (বরই) is a tropical natural product tree species, having a place with the family Rhamnaceae. It is most usually found in the tropical and sub-tropical locales. Initially local to India it is currently generally naturalized in tropical district from Africa to Afghanistan and China, and furthermore through Malaysia and into Australia and in some Pacific areas. It can frame thick stands and end up noticeably obtrusive in a few territories, including Fiji and Australia and has turned into a genuine natural weed in Northern Australia. Boroi is a medium measured tree that develops overwhelmingly and has a quickly creating taproot, a vital adjustment to dry season conditions. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Growing Watermelons

 Watermelons: বাংলা (তরমুজ)
Watermelons are a warm season crop, however can be begun in winter in territories where conditions are milder.

Doing this will typically empower an agriculturist to order higher costs, in light of the fact that when the climate warms up enough for individuals to begin getting a charge out of this tasty cucurbit, it will have been quite a while since they last ate one. 

South Africans have a tendency to incline toward extensive watermelons, which is once in a while hard to get it. The greater sort has a tendency to be too vast to be eaten at one sitting, so the remaining piece must be put away in the ice chest – never simple considering its size.

Be that as it may, good judgment once in a while wins with regards to purchasing propensities – and if the general population needs extensive watermelons, so be it. We'll develop them! By the by, there is an expanding market for littler product of 5kg or so among the individuals who have thought about to the 'size issue'. Frequently suitably alluded to as 'cooler sorts', these likewise have a tendency to be prior developing, giving the value advantage as of now specified.

Spread without seeds :
Seedless watermelons are another sort. Numerous purchasers still have no clue about their reality, and if told about them, consider the idea hard to accept. How, they ask, is it conceivable to develop these watermelons if there's no seed? One should as ask where donkeys originate from, as these creatures seem to be 'sterile'.

On account of seedless watermelon, the chromosomes are multiplied on one parent, called a 'tetraploid'. This is crossed with a 'diploid', a watermelon with the 'typical' single arrangement of chromosomes. The clean cross breed is known as a 'triploid' – and seedless watermelons are likewise called 'triploids'.

The shade of the organic productঃ
Aside from the size issue, there's likewise the matter of shading. The tissue of watermelons fluctuates from red and pink to splendid yellow and orange. The preservationist South African open does not by any stretch of the imagination go for the more strange hues, be that as it may. More essential for the cultivator is the shade of the skin. The shade means that yield, illness protection and capacity to travel well. Eating quality is additionally connected to skin shading. In my childhood, the darker-hued Congo assortment commanded the market. At that point, when All sweet began to come in, our family changed to that, as you had a more noteworthy possibility of purchasing a great one!

Expansive arrangementঃ   
Water melon

Watermelon sorts are inexactly arranged by skin shading, size and shape. Half breeds that are extensive and elliptical with dull green stripes are alluded to as Allsweet sorts. Charstone Gray is a prevalent light-green assortment and there are countless pollinated and half breed sorts with a comparable shading that are alluded to by a similar name. Skin shading isn't valuable for recognizing an assortment or sort, be that as it may. It has down to earth noteworthiness.

Dark or dull green assortments are helpless to sunburn. Round assortments are particularly inclined, as the best is more presented to solid daylight than are oval sorts. This factor alone has precluded various assortments in South Africa. Substantial watermelons are likewise best in the oval frame, as this makes transport and taking care of simpler, also attempting to fit one into the ice chest. Littler melons can be either oval or round.

In case you're attempting to offer a watermelon assortment that is strange or unique, ensure you distinguish it unmistakably with a sticker or name. This is especially essential with seedless assortments, as they have a tendency to seem like many seeded sorts.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Can Tomatoes Prevent Cancer

Tomatoes (টমেটো) :
Tomatoes are the second most generally eaten vegetable in the United States, presumably in view of their sweetness and adaptability. You've likely delighted in tomato cuts in sandwiches, cherry tomatoes in servings of mixed greens, and crisp or canned tomatoes in sauces and soups. The nourishment data in this segment alludes to red tomatoes, however you may likewise observe treasure assortments in all shades of the rainbow.

 What is in Tomatoes:
Tomatoes are an amazing wellspring of vitamins C and A (delivered from beta-carotene) and one serving gives no less than 10 percent of the every day suggested potassium.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Borassus flabellifer (তাল গাছ) Part-1

Tal tree তাল গাছ
Tal tree (তাল গাছ)
 Borassus flabellifer (তাল গাছ): is a powerful tree and can achieve a stature of 30 meters (98 ft). The storage compartment is dim, powerful and ringed with leaf scars; old departs stay connected to the storage compartment for quite a while before falling neatly. The leaves are fan-molded and 3 m (9.8 ft) long, with hearty dark teeth on the petiole edges. Like all Borassus species, B. flabellifer is dioecious with male and female blooms on partitioned plants. The male blooms are under 1 cm long and frame semi-roundabout bunches, which are covered up underneath scale-like bracts inside the catkin-like inflorescences. Conversely, the female blooms are golfball-sized and single, sitting upon the surface of the inflorescence pivot. After fertilization, these blossoms form into beefy natural products 15–25 cm wide, each containing 1-3 seeds. The organic products are dark to darker with sweet, sinewy mash and each seed is encased inside a woody endocarp. Youthful palmyra seedlings develop gradually, creating just a couple leaves every year (foundation stage), yet at a so far undetermined time, they develop quickly, delivering a generous stem.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sweet Mangoes of Chapainawabganj

Langra Aam
Langra Mangoes (ল্যাংড়া আম)
 Mangoes: privately known as "aam" (আম) in Bangladesh, are broadly known as the "King of the fruits" all through the world - and why not! Mangoes are among the most tasty organic products on the planet, with their rich taste and colorful assortments! Furthermore, in Bangladesh, summer season may bring numerous troubles for us Bangladeshis, (for example, high temperatures, choking out dampness and irregular load shedding) yet one of the best delights that it brings is the period of mangoes! The mango season more often than not starts around the Month of June and keeps going till early August. Amid this mango season, all Bangladeshis appreciate the diverse assortments of delightful mangoes.

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